In News, Press Releases

The Annual Event Set for April 20, 2017 Features Speakers from Boingo Wireless, Corning, Cowen Group, GIANT Solutions, SpiderCloud Wireless, SQUAN, Tilson, Vornado Realty, ZenFi and More

New York, NY – March 14, 2017 – The Northeast DAS & Small Cell Association (NEDAS), a consortium of in-building wireless solution providers including Distributed Antenna System (DAS), Small Cell professionals, Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) solutions and end-users throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, announces the agenda for its fifth annual New York City Summit.  The program features a full day of panel discussions, breakout sessions, lightning talks and tabletop exhibits set for April 20, from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the New York Academy of Medicine in Manhattan.

Attracting more than 400 leading industry executives, product innovators and telecom engineers from vendors, service providers and more, the NEDAS NYC Summit explores key issues concerning DAS, Wi-Fi, and Small Cell technology solutions, and how to leverage these technologies to serve the needs of end-users and support the exploding demand that continues to drive communication network solutions.

The theme of this year’s event is “2017: The Year IoT Demands Infrastructure to be Reshaped Above and Below the Ground.”  Subject matter experts will discuss the converging needs of wireline and wireless industry providers, and how to work more collaboratively and better understand the technology requirements to enable end-users to connect and stream data and information from anywhere and any device.

The NEDAS NYC Summit agenda includes the following panels and presentations:

  • “Surveying the 5G Landscape: A Sector View of What’s to Come,” the keynote presented by Colby Synesael, managing director and senior research analyst at Cowen Group;
  • “O-DAS / Small Cell Deployments and the Challenges Associated with Them,” moderated by Douglas Fishman of SQUAN with panelists from Snyder & Snyder, Tilson and V-COMM;
  • “Carrier Conundrum – Shifting the Costs to Building Owner / Operators – Justification Insures Communications Enabled for Tomorrow,” with panelists from Boingo Wireless, JMA Wireless, Vornado Realty Trust and more;
  • “Location Matters in a Connected World,” featuring speakers from Connected2Fiber, SpiderCloud Wireless and more;
  • “Best Practices and Considerations for Converged Networks,” to be presented by PCTEL and Corning;
  • “Secrets of Success with DAS,” presented by Mike Rosato of GIANT Solutions;
  • “Local Chatter – Fiber Providers Building Out NYC’s Infrastructure to Meet Tomorrow’s Demands,” including presenters from ZenFi, Cleareon, Comvid Communications, and Transit Wireless;
  • Industry leading case studies to be presented by ClearSky Technologies and Broadstaff; among others; and
  • Tutorial and breakout sessions from ADRF, Keller & Heckman Law, SiteSafe, and Wireless Telecom Group.

“The converging requirements of wireline and wireless communication solutions are important conversations technology companies need to have in order to enable end-users to access information, no matter where they are located,” states Ilissa Miller, President of NEDAS and CEO of iMiller Public Relations.  “This year’s program brings thought-leaders together from both the wireline and wireless sectors to have these important discussions.  It is an honor to bring these executives together to collaborate, educate and enable innovation in one location.”

Sponsors of the Fifth Annual NEDAS NYC Spring Summit include:

ADRF Perfect-10 Wireless
Alliance Corporation RD Microwaves
American Tower RF Industries
Anritsu SOLiD
Csquared Systems SQUAN
Intelibs Tilson Tech
J.A. Lee Times Microwaves System
JMA Wireless Westell

Registration for the NEDAS NYC 2017 Summit is open to accredited media and analysts.  To attend the NEDAS event, please contact for a complimentary registration code.

Limited sponsorship opportunities are still available.  To learn more, please contact sponsorship sales at  For more information about the Northeast DAS & Small Cell Association, please visit

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About Northeast DAS & Small Cell Association (NEDAS)

Northeast DAS & Small Cell Association (NEDAS) is a grassroots wireless telecom association whose mission is to create a positive, nonpartisan and invigorating environment in which local industry professionals can learn, discuss, debate, socialize, collaborate with their peers, and encourage networking, public outreach and education about the DAS and Small Cell industries. 2016 Platinum Sponsors include AnritsuJMA Wireless, PCTEL, SOLiDTESSCO, Westell and ZenFi Networks; Annual Gold Sponsors are ADRF Technologies, and RF Industries; Silver Sponsor is Corning.  For more information, visit


Anne Whealdon
iMiller Public Relations
Tel: +1.866.307.2501