Originally posted on Data Center Post
Whether it’s compact edge deployments or massive hyperscale developments, large footprints or single sites, the data center landscape continues to evolve as demands from new applications push capabilities to their limits. To dive into this topic, Metro Connect 2020, an event exploring the U.S. metro communications infrastructure market, offered multiple days of panels and discussions to help industry executives stay up to date on trends, challenges and changes.
One panel, which took place on Wednesday, February 12 and was titled “The Evolving Landscape of Data Centers”, featured members and founders of The Independent Data Center Alliance (the IND-DCA) among others. The panel featured Tom Brown, President and CEO of DataGryd; Michael Morey, President and CEO of Bluebird Network and Bluebird Underground Data Center; and IIissa Miller, CEO of iMiller Public Relations, President of NEDAS and Co-Founder of the Independent Data Center Alliance along with Hugh Carspecken, CEO of DartPoints.
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